How I’m feeling today (with Bonus! message to readers)
Posted by Nix Nix Nix on October 7th, 2007 filed in dear readers, painToday’s another about-average day, soreness wise. I did end up getting a bit stiff yesterday as we were walking around and doing errands, but it wasn’t intolerable.
Today seems like it’s going to be about the same. I didn’t do anything terribly strenuous yesterday, and there’s nice, warm weather today, so the day should round out relatively (in comparison to bad days) pain-free!
Now for my message to you guys! I checked my stats this morning and see there are about 40 of you reading this VIA an RSS reader. I only know of two people (mom & Lindsay ), so who are the rest of you? Not sure why my day-to-day pain reports are interesting to you, but thanks! Say hello sometime : )
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