OMG She’s Alive?
Posted by Nix Nix Nix on January 23rd, 2011 filed in dear readers, hands, pain, sleep, supplementsHey, y’all! Long (LONG!) time no see. I’ve been…well, let me read my last post. Please hold.
Oh, lord, if this is the only place you’re reading me? You’re WAY the hell behind.
Let’s catch up. In the summer of 2008 we moved up to the Baltimore area. We got married! That meant I FINALLY got health insurance, which meant I could finally work on medicating my fibro (among other things)! Good times.
So I am doing AMAZINGLY better. Seriously, I can’t even tell you. I’m no longer taking the 5htp. I do miss it terribly, but I’m now taking a prescription that can not be combined with the 5htp. My doctor upped my gabapentin as well, which both helps me sleep and really helps me not be in pain.
We have had some SERIOUS winters the last two years. Last year I was so miserable. Cold is my fibro’s enemy. This year? My hands bother me sometimes and my thighs bother me, but for the most part, things are amazingly better. I’m able to exercise now! I’ve been running on the treadmill, running on the elliptical, using the stationary bikes, and for a while I was also using the rower, but I hate that machine too damned much to use it regularly.
I hope that you all are doing well and still reading me! Viva la Fibro Survival!
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