Nix has Fibromialgia?

Well, yes, actually, I do. I’ve suspected it for years, but was finally diagnosed by a trusted Dr. on September 12th, 2007. I’ve spent the days since then doing all of the research I can and asking people I know who also have it what they do and how they are and what they take and what their bra sizes are.

OK that last part is a lie (but I thought the question)!

Anyway, this blog is to help me keep track of my symptoms, good days, bad days, supplements, etc.. It’s more for my own reference than anything, but you’re welcome to come along for the ride.

I should mention that I am NOT a Dr.. Anything you read here is me trying things out for myself and in no way indicative that any of it will work for you, nor should it be taken that way. Go get your own Dr.!